Last week to trade steering wheels for OEM downpipes


Well-Known Member
Silver Sponsor
First Name
Dec 15, 2020
Reaction score
South Florida
2023 Burnout A91 MT
Well as many of you know one of the things that grew my reputation on the forums was my purchasing and trading of OEM downpipes, I have met hundreds of you and built great relationships many of which started with me buying one of your oem downpipes. Since then I have expanded into other parts of this industry but a staple has always been trading an OEM downpipe for a steering wheel as it would give you a product that starts at $899 retail ($799 forum price) instead of just getting $700 cash, well following another large market drop this morning it looks like we will be ending that promotion sooner then I originally expected, it had already fallen below what I would be getting if a client had bought the wheel cash but now it has gone down to the point where it no longer makes financial sense to continue. As of now cash prices will go down to $600+ a pre paid label and that is subject to change, for the steering wheel promotion I will accept orders up until Sunday of this week, after that it will require cash on top. So let's finish off this last week with a bang! Shoot me a text or message if you are ready to receive a pre paid label and spec a wheel for your supra! Below is a link of photos showcasing recent builds. Thanks again to everyone here who has supported me from day 1 and I look forward to what the future holds for all of us! I am hesitant to post this link as I know in a few weeks everyone of these photos will be stolen to be used to scam or sell garbage from Ali baba LOL.

