New Here? Please read these forum rules before posting!

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Staff member
Sep 8, 2016
Reaction score
A80, A90, Mk1 Celica
Vehicle Showcase
Welcome to!
We are a community of Supra enthusiasts who are looking forward to the upcoming fifth-generation Supra. Here you'll find pictures, videos, speculation, and discussion on all things Supra! Please read the below rules before posting, and then say hello on the New Member Greeting Thread!

Post Reporting and Account Rules

  • We cannot possibly read every single post made on the forum but we do review every single reported post. Please REPORT (The Report Button is located in the bottom of every post) any posts you think are violating the forum rules
Here are some basic rules to keep this forum a fun place for everyone:

1) Respect. By far the most important rule here. Basic rules of real life apply here - show each other respect and you will get respect as well. Don't bash someone else here because you feel like it. Disrespectful, derogatory or insulting attitudes or remarks will not be tolerated. This applies to all corners of the site - including posts, private messages, and thread tags.

2) Search. These forums tend to accumulate knowledge, and so when you have a question do a simple search first. A lot of times, the best answers will be found in old threads that have gone over the topic in detail. If you can't find your answer or are still unclear, then by all means don't be afraid and post your question.


3) Disagree, don't attack. Disagree on topics, but try to leave it at that. Just because you don't like someones opinion on the car's engine, doesn't mean you should call him and his mother all sorts of names. Debates are always welcome, but don't go out of your way to insult and flame someone. Please consider if you would say to someone's face the same thing you are posting.

4) Help. Be helpful, we are all probably here because of a question and people will go out of their way to help you. Try to do the same if you have the answer to a question posted. True enthusiasts are helpful to others, noob or veteran alike. If you think not telling others about some technical info you have will make you and your car unique and prefer to be unique rather than share this information, then this forum is not for you. Help each other with questions and answers and I guarantee you, one day it will pay you back on here.

5) Off-topic posts in Off-topic forum. Well, this should be self explanatory.

6) Make suggestions. We promise to do our best to accommodate your suggestions. We've made so many changes around here already based on people's feedback and we love doing it, its part of the fun for us!

7) Post in the correct forum this is especially important for our new members. Our community is divided into different forums for a reason, it helps to keep the posts organized and on-topic. If you have a post asking a question about purchasing a new car, or what option to get, etc, please post in the New Car section not in the photo gallery for example. This will help ensure you get the correct and meaningful answers to your question and will keep the site more focused for our veteran users.

8) No Commercial Posts We have very strict Anti-spam policies here and we will be deleting posts/banning users without notice when the post is a commercial post made by a non community sponsor. If you happen to see these types of posts on the forum, we urge you to report these members to us.

9) NO POLITICS, RELIGION, or GUN DISCUSSIONS. No exceptions. These are notorious for devolving into absolute messes. Stick to your local town hall for this kind of stuff and save us the trouble of having to clean up the mess!

10) NO NSFW (Not-Safe-For-Work) AVATARS or SIGNATURES. Some of us are at work, man!

11) NO ANIMATED AVATARS or SIGNATURES. They make threads/posts difficult to read.


Only one account is allowed per member.

14) Don't Doxx People! Please do not post photos of spotted cars from residential areas. Most members rightfully expect a level of privacy when they park their cars at their residence.

15) BANNED MEMBERS are not open to discussion. Bans are always undertaken with justification and are not open to public discussion. Any threads/posts discussing bans will be removed.

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